Why Pitcairn Flight?

Why Pitcairn Flight?

Helping Pilots Achieve Their Goals

We are a Part 61 flight school dedicated to ensuring your success. Our comprehensive flight training program encompasses all the necessary materials, ground school sessions, and flight hours required to thoroughly prepare you for your checkride.

"Training Pilots To Fly Safely & Proficiently"

Your experts in flight instruction

Safety is our primary concern. We want you to be the best pilot you can be. Decades of experience in the flight training industry.

There are two distinct types of instructors that you might meet when looking for a flight school. A time builder looking to just gain the flight hours to move on to the next step.. And then there are the flight instructors that truly care about your success and instruct out of a love for aviation.

We care about our students and want them to be the best pilots they can possibly be. We are invested in your success.


Hours of combined experience


Checkride pass rate


Students training and passing checkrides

What Makes Us So Great?

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Student Centered

You're more than a number at Pitcairn Flight Academy. We genuinely care about your success. Our primary focus is you and your aviation goals.

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Family Environment

We are a close knit community that supports and uplifts each other on the journey to completing aviation goals. When you're here, you're family.

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Pitcairn Flight Academy offers affordable rental and instructor rates that make pilot training accessible to aspiring aviators from all walks of life.

Start with a discovery flight

Also known as an intro flight, this is the first flight you'll take where you're the pilot.


What are you waiting for?

Book a discovery flight

Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime! Book a discovery flight and start enjoying flying today. Give us a call or contact us through our website.

First Steps
Every pilot starts their journey by reaching out to a flight school and doing an introductory discovery flight. Take the first step and reach out to Pitcairn Flight Academy.
You Fly
During the flight, you have the controls! You fly the plane with an instructor showing you the ropes. Find out what it really looks like in the cockpit during landing.
Learn More
Speak with your instructor during your first flying lesson and see what's required. Learn more about the training process and what to expect throughout the training process when you meet with an instructor.
See If You Like It
If you've been dreaming about flying, this is your chance to see first hand if this is right for you. Flying isn't for everyone so a discovery flight is the best way to see if it's a good fit.

What our Students
are Saying About Us

I'm so glad that I have gotten the chance to attend this Flight Academy. When I started my journey to find the right place, I didn't even know where to start. Here they start you off with your discovery flight. This is to make sure flying is what you truly want to do. This is where I met my instructor, Darren. He makes the process super easy and almost seamless. Everyone here is super kind and patient and go at your speed. The environment is always so positive and welcoming. You get to meet people from all over the east coast and share stories of our love for flying. If you weren't sure where to start your path to piloting, I recommend starting here. I can't wait to continue my lessons and pursue the path of my dreams!

Katie P


I recommend starting here. I can't wait to continue my lessons and pursue the path of my dreams!

I could not recommend Barry and the entire team more highly. If you’re looking for a place to learn to fly or brush up on your skills, this is it.

I’ve been a student at Pitcairn for over a year. They have put great care into selecting the best possible team and creating the best possible curriculum to help students learn at their own pace. Because they take the time to know their students abilities and aspirations, they can tailor training to your needs. And they do it all at a very reasonable price. This has allowed me to expedite my training. The entire staff (ground crew, maintenance, customer service, instructors, and ownership) are very friendly and accommodating. I could not recommend Barry and the entire team more highly. If you’re looking for a place to learn to fly or brush up on your skills, this is it.

Mario M


So far, I have been a student at Pitcairn for a little over a month, and I have to say it is one of the most welcoming places I have ever been to. The instructors are super friendly and professional, and most importantly, safe. My instructor (Darren) always makes sure that I am prepared for whatever we are doing, and never hesitates to cancel a lesson if he feels it is at all unsafe, even if he loses some flight time and money from doing so. If there is anywhere I would recommend flying for any sort of certification or rating, it would be here.

Evan F


The instructors are super friendly and professional, and most importantly, safe.

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